Upcoming Services and Sermons

We gather together on Sunday morning to find meaning and live more deeply. Worship creates connections within, among, and beyond us, calling us to our better selves, calling us to live with wisdom and compassion. Most of our Sunday services are led by our Minister, Rev. Heather Rion Starr. We also offer lay led services featuring members and friends who share their thoughts and life experiences.

Hybrid Sunday Service:

  • UUSD is requiring that only vaccinated individuals (who are eligible to be vaccinated against COVID) attend in-person services.
  • Please stay home and enjoy our livestream if you have a fever, any other symptoms of illness, or if it’s simply a better option for you.
  • Mask wearing is encouraged but not required.

Enjoy our livestream service at uussd.org/livestream, starting at 9:55 a.m.

A Social Hour is held in the Gathering Area after the Sunday service.

Welcome Visitors: Click to complete our online visitors form

February 2025

Sunday, February 23, 10 a.m., “Coming to the Table,” Guest Speaker Jane Carrigan: Coming to the Table is a nationwide organization working to create a just and truthful society that acknowledges and seeks to heal from the racial wounds of the past, from slavery and the many forms of racism it spawned. In recognition of Black History month, Jane Carrigan, co-founder of the Annapolis chapter of Coming to the Table and a member of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Annapolis, will speak to us about her work with this organization.  

There will be a post-service opportunity for further conversation with Jane Carrigan about the Coming to the Table program.

Jane Carrigan is a ten-year congregant of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Annapolis. She has served as its president and currently serves as Lay Leader, welcoming people to the beauty of worship on Sundays at UUCA.

Jane is a long-time member of Coming to the Table, having served on its national board and created several new local groups. Her commitment to creating a safe space for all to have conversations about race and their relationship to it is a lifelong passion.

Jane is a retired Federal employee, having worked at the National Institutes of Health for thirty years as an attorney. She now lives, retired, on a farm south of Annapolis, Maryland with three cats and her beloved husband, Dale.

March 2025

Sunday, March 2, 10 a.m., “Writing Our Next Chapter, Together!” Rev. Heather Rion Starr: We co-create this community anew each week, each month, each year, by sharing our skills, interests, time, talent, and treasure. Those of us here now carry forward and craft something that we truly hope and expect will long outlast our individual lives. What will be your part in our ever-evolving story? What will your chapter be in The Story of this time? Join us for this FY26 Pledge Drive Kick-off Sunday!

Sunday, March 9, 10 a.m., “Who Knows… Where the Time Goes,” Rev. Heather Rion Starr: Some hours of our lives stand out from the rest… or slow down. Our experience of time is fraught with grief and memory, hope and mystery. Time leaps forward to form “timeless” moments and gaps or stretches of nothing much. Join us for this reflection on time, memory, and how we measure our days. 

Daylight Savings Time begins today. Be sure to spring your clocks forward an hour on Saturday night.

Sunday, March 16, 10 a.m., “Ground and Gather,” Rev. Cathy Rion Starr (c.rionstarr@uussd.org): These are two things we know how to do: Ground in our faith and gather in community. And yet, when tension rises and chaos reigns, it is easy to forget the things we know. So once again we gather together as a collective reminder that another world is possible, even when it feels very far away.

Sunday, March 23, 10 a.m., “(to be determined),” Rev. Sandhya Rani Jha (sandhya.r.jha@gmail.com: 

Sunday, March 30, 10 a.m., “The Blessings of Trust,” Rev. Heather Rion Starr: We cannot function as if everything could fall apart tomorrow (though sometimes it sure feels like it could). Therefore, we choose to take some action, and then another, and then another. At every point along the way, we are putting our trust in…what? Who? Let’s ponder this together.

To view past services, go to Past Services.