Denominational Affairs2022-01-26T21:56:45-04:00


The Denominational Affairs Committee seeks to enrich congregational life at UUSD and promote the strength of Unitarian Universalism by connecting our congregation to the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA), the Central East region, the Delmarva Cluster, and other groups related to our UU denomination.

What We Do

We share issues of denominational concern with the UUSD Board of Trustees, Church Council, and the congregation.

We conduct UUSD’s annual Chalice Lighter Drive to encourage the congregation to become “Chalice Lighters” by pledging $60 a year to help Central East regional congregations grow and thrive.

We promote education on the Unitarian Universalist General Assembly social justice statements in collaboration with other committees.

We promote the annual UUA General Assembly and organize member participation. We recruit members to serve as delegates at General Assembly and vote on important denominational matters.

We promote and support workshops, trainings, events, and other activities sponsored by the UUA, Central East region, UU Delmarva Cluster, and others, such as the Murray Grove Retreat and Renewal Center.

Get Involved and Support Denominational Affairs Today

Become a Denominational Affairs member. This is an excellent way to understand first-hand how our Unitarian Universalist denomination impacts the lives of our congregation, our community, and the world.

Become a Chalice Lighter. The Central East Regional Chalice Lighter program has given UUSD thousands of dollars in grants to help us grow our congregation and build a new church home. Now it is our turn to support congregations just like us that need Chalice Lighter grants to grow and thrive. Here is the Chalice Lighter Program brochure. Contact for more information.




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