Here are some answers to commonly asked questions at UUSD. Don’t see what you’re looking for here? Email info@uussd.org to ask!

Address of UUSD

30486 Lewes Georgetown Highway, Lewes, DE 19958 or Contact Us

Administrator (Office)

Sandy Scheet-Robitaille is UUSD’s Office Administrator. Contact Sandy.

Adult Education Classes

What types of classes are offered?

How can I find out more about these classes or offer to teach one? Contact the Adult Faith Exploration Coordinator.

Annual Meeting

What happens at this meeting?

Can I vote?

Beliefs of Unitarian Universalists (UUs)

What do UUs generally believe and what are the sources of Unitarian Universalism?

Board of Trustees

Who is on the Board? How can I run for the Board? Where are the Board minutes?

Book Club (One of UUSD’s Affinity Groups)

When does Book Club meet and what are they reading?

Breeze Member Database

How do I find contact information of UUSD members and friends? Read the Breeze User Guide.

Building Info

Learn more about rental of the UUSD building here.

How do I find out if UUSD is closed because of weather or other issues?
Tune into WBOC TV, check the UUSD website, watch for an email message from UUSD.

If I am running a meeting, how do I get the Office door lock code? Contact Sandy Scheet-Robitaille, Office Administrator.

What if I want to use the kitchen for a meeting or event? Contact the Kitchen Team.

Where can I find the procedures for using the building (lights, door locking, thermostats)? See Building Use Guidelines.

Calendar of Events

Look up committee meetings/events.

Find out if a date/time are available before you reserve space for a meeting or event.

Learn who to contact about a specific event.

Check Reimbursement Form

If you have made purchases for UUSD which were authorized by an appropriate committee, you should submit a request for reimbursement using this form. You can then either put it in the Finance Officer’s mail box at UUSD or mail it: UUSD, 30486 Lewes Georgetown Highway, Lewes, DE 19958.

Children and Youth at UUSD (Children’s Faith Exploration Program)

Are there programs for children and youth?

What kinds of projects do they do in the CFE Program?

Who do I contact about CFE Programs? Contact the Childen’s Faith Exploration Director

Can I have my child dedicated?


How do I join the choir? Contact Julie Keefer, Director of Music Ministries

When does the choir practice?

Learn about our Director of Music Ministries, Julie Keefer.

Church Council

Who is on the Church Council?

What does the Council do?

Cloud Society (Leaving a Legacy)

How do I designate UUSD as a beneficiary in my estate planning?

Committee on Congregational Life

This committee monitors the overall health of the congregation.


What do committees do?

How do I contact a committee chair?

Can I talk to someone about the committees? Contact Board Vice President, who is Chair of the Church Council.

Contacting UUSD people

Use the Contact Us link on the top of every website page to contact staff, Board members, committee chairs.

Use the Breeze Database to contact UUSD members and friends. Read the Breeze User Guide for more information.

Covenant Groups

What are they?

Can I join one?

Who do I contact to find out more information?

Covenant of Good Relations

This document acknowledges our commitment to honor and respect relationships among individuals in our UUSD community.

Directory/Breeze for Members/Friends

How do I change my Breeze Directory contact info?

If I am a UUSD member or friend, how do I get access to the Directory? Read the Breeze User Guide.


Annual Pledging

One-time donations

Donations may also be mailed to UUSD at 30486 Lewes Georgetown Highway, Lewes, DE 19958. Indicate what the donation is for on the Memo line.

Gift Acceptance Policy

Donating specific items


Share the Plate

Environmentally Friendly Property

Check out the Cool Congregation Award given to UUSD.

Learn about the Green Sanctuary features of our building and grounds.

Events (Using UUSD Building/Grounds) (Note: Events must be sponsored by a UUSD group.)

For FUNdraising events, contact FUNdraising.

For other events, please contact the church office with your rental questions (302-313-5838).

How do I check to see if the event time/space I want is available?

What AV equipment/support would be available/appropriate for my event? Contact the AV Team.

Who do I contact to find out about using the kitchen? Contact the Kitchen Team NOTE: UUSD’s kitchen is not licensed as a commercial kitchen, so no major cooking is allowed.

How can I get my event publicized? Contact Communications.

How do I request photo coverage of a UUSD event? Contact the Photo Team.

Once my event has been approved by a UUSD group, how do I reserve the space? Use the Space Request Form.

How do I get the Office door code to access to the building for my event? Contact the Office Administrator.

Where can I find the procedures for using the building (lights, door locking, thermostats)? See the Building Use Guidelines.

Executive Team

Who is on the Executive Team?

What does the ET do?



How do I learn more about the pledge process?

What if I need to change my pledge? Contact BOT Finance Officer.

Reimbursement for UUSD purchases:

  1. Get the purchase pre-authorized by the appropriate UUSD entity (committee, etc.). Please do not buy unauthorized items.
  2. Print the Check Reimbursement Form, fill it out, attach receipts, and have the chair of the committee sign it.
  3. Put the completed/signed form in the Finance Officer’s mailbox at UUSD.


What is the budget for this year?

How does the budget get approved and can I vote on it?

Can I donate funds for a specific project at UUSD?


What are the duties of the FUNdraising Committee?

What are some of their activities?

How do I get involved? Contact FUNdraising.

Google Workspace

How do I learn about Google Workspace Accounts and Guidelines


How do I learn more about how UUSD operates?

Check out the UUSD Organizational Chart.

Who is on the Board and what does the Board do?

Who is on the Executive Team and what does the ET do?

What is the Church Council?

What does the Leadership Development Committee do?

What happens at the Annual Meeting?

What elected offices are there at UUSD and how to do I run for office?


Who can I contact if I am struggling with emotional or spiritual issues? If you are a UUSD member or friend, a member of the Pastoral Care Team has been assigned as your support person. If you do not know who that is, contact Pastoral Care.

Who can I contact if I need a ride to a doctor’s appointment after my surgery? If you are a UUSD member or friend, a member of the Pastoral Care Team has been assigned as your support person. If you do not know who that is, contact Pastoral Care.

Insurance on building

Will my UUSD event be covered by UUSD’s insurance? Contact Executive Team.

Legacy/Estate Planning to include UUSD – See Cloud Society

Meetings (for UUSD groups)

How do I check to see if the meeting time/space I want is available?

How do I reserve meeting space?

What if I want to use the hybrid AV system for an in-person/Zoom meeting? Contact the AV Team.

How do I get the code to the Office door to access to the building? Contact the Office Administrator.

Where can I find the procedures for using the building (lights, door locking, thermostats)? See Building Use Guidelines.

Membership in UUSD

How do I become a member?

How do I change my membership status? Contact Membership.

What’s the difference between a UUSD member and a UUSD friend?

Memorial and Funeral Services


Learn about our Minister.

What does our Minister do? (See page 8 of Bylaws)


How do I get the password for documents on the website that are password protected? Contact the Office Administrator.

Pastoral Care Team

What kind of support can I get from the UUSD Pastoral Care team if I am a member or friend of UUSD? See Pastoral Care.


Where can I find UUSD’s Policies?

Where can I find UUSD’s By-Laws?

(UU 7) Principles

Printing at UUSD

Contact Sandy Scheet-Robitaille, Office Administrator, to learn how to get connected to the password-protected router that allows you to print to the UUSD copier.

Publications and Media at UUSD

Thursday eNews (weekly via email)

How do I sign up for the eNews?

UUSD’s Facebook page

Sunday Update, contact Jean Charles



How do I request a flyer, poster, or pamphlet be created for my UUSD project or event? Contact Communications.

How do I request that an article be published in UUSD’s publications (eNews, Beacon) and outside media (if appropriate)? Contact Communications.

How do I request photo coverage for a UUSD event? Contact the Photo Team.

Who do I contact about adding/editing information on the UUSD website? Contact the Website Administrator.

Reimbursement Form

If you have made purchases for UUSD which were authorized by an appropriate committee, you should submit a request for reimbursement using this form. You can then either put it in the Finance Officer’s mail box at UUSD or mail it: UUSD, 30486 Lewes Georgetown Highway, Lewes, DE 19958.

Share the Plate

What is this program?

How do I donate?

Sign by Route 9 (Changeable Sign)

Who do I ask about posting my UUSD group’s message on the sign by the road?
The Executive Team manages the sign. If you would like to post a message on the sign, please send an email to ExecTeam@uussd.org.

Social Time Cleanup Duties on Sundays

When does my committee or covenant group have to do cleanup and what needs to be done?

Social & Environmental Justice

What does the Social & Environmental Justice Committee do?

What kinds of social justice activities does UUSD engage in?

What is our Resolution of Conscience?

What is Share the Plate?

Sunday Services

How do I find out about upcoming services?

Can I view past services?

Can I watch the service remotely?

What should I expect at a Sunday service?


How does my UUSD committee/group arrange to send a survey to the congregation through the UUSD SurveyMonkey account? Answer pending

Unitarian Universalism

What do UUs believe?

What do I say to people who ask me questions about being a UU? Check these “Elevator Speech” sites.

What is the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA)?

Where can I learn more about the annual national denominational conference, General Assembly (GA)?

Who do I contact if I want to become a delegate to represent UUSD at GA? Contact Denominational Affairs

Where can I find a list of other UU congregations (if I’m traveling and want to attend one)?

Ushering/Greeting at Sunday Services

How do I volunteer to be an Usher or Greeter and what are the duties?

Volunteer Opportunities


Where can I see a list of all the information on the UUSD website?

How can I search the UUSD website? – Use the Search option at the top of every website page.

Who do I contact to discuss additions/changes to the website? Contact Website Administrator.


Worship Associates on Sunday

How do I become a Worship Associate and what are their duties? Contact Worship.