Lifespan Faith Exploration

two adults and three children at a table with drawing supplies and a butterfly cageSpiritual growth takes a lifetime and happens both within and beyond a congregation’s walls. We support one another as individuals, families, and communities in an ongoing search for truth and meaning. We strive to guide one another—all ages among us—in religious questioning, personal change, and discovering ways to live better in faith.

Faith Exploration for Children & Youth

  • UUSD offers faith exploration classes for children ages 4 and up. We are fully committed to making this a great year for our kids and to keeping them connected to our Seven Principles.
  • For additional information about our children and youth programs, see the Children and Youth Faith Exploration page in this section.

Adult Faith Exploration

  • Classes are held in the evening or during the day and are currently being conducted in person and using Zoom. Most are open to the public.
  • Teachers are members of the congregation and invited special speakers who want to explore thought-provoking topics.
  • The class format leaves time for questions and discussion.
  • Class participants get to know each other and become actively involved in our wonderful nurturing community.
  • For more additional information, see the Adult Faith Exploration page or contact the Chair of the Committee at