Women, Families, Sexuality2021-02-02T08:32:33-04:00

Women, Family, Gender Identity, and Sexual Orientation Justice


Protest against separation of immigrant families

Decisions about children, families, gender identity, and sexuality are some of life’s most profound. We promote safe and healthy family environments and just and compassionate laws for family planning and protection, reproductive health, sexual orientation equality, and gender identity equality.

In support of this commitment, UUSD will be a welcoming community to the LGBTQ community, provide same-sex marriage services, support a woman’s right to choose, and support programs that assist victims of gender identity discrimination, domestic violence, and human trafficking.

Supporting Families and Women

Refugee Families – UUSD members showed up at Mass Mobilizations and Protests, showing our concern for the forced family separations of refugees fleeing for their lives.

Support for Victims of Domestic Violence — UUSD supports the victims of domestic violence through Share the Plate donations to La Esperanza’s Victims Assistance Fund and to the shelter, Abriendo Puertas of People’s Place, to whom we also donated personal hygiene products and children’s furniture, clothing, and toys.

Women’s Rights – UUSD supports the work of Women’s March Sussex and shares information with the congregation about their opportunities for action.

Support for the Homeless — UUSD volunteers make and serve meals at the Immanuel Homeless Shelter and have donated funds though a Share the Plate offering and donations of items needed by those who are homeless.

Supporting the LGBTQ Community

LGBTQ Welcoming Congregation — UUSD has been certified by the UUA as a Welcoming Congregation. This means we live out our commitment to sexual and gender diversity by including people who are LGBTQ at every level of congregational life.

Transgender Rights – UUSD supports the rights of students to use the bathroom of their choice.  We sent letters of concern about a proposed regulation on the issue to the Delaware Department of Education.

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