Share the Plate
UUSD designates one Sunday of every month to offer 50% of the non-pledge collection to an area organization whose justice work aligns with UUSD’s Principles. Contributions to the Share the Plate program may be made on the designated Sunday (usually the second) of the month by placing cash or a check in the offering basket with “Share the Plate” in the memo line, online, or by mail-in check.
Selecting Organizations
- Nominations for potential recipients may be made by any UUSD committee or member to the UUSD Social and Environmental Justice Committee using the Nomination Form for Share the Plate.
- The committee will review nominations and make a selection based on consistency with UUSD’s approved Resolution of Conscience, timeliness, and balance of priority areas, giving preference for a majority of choices each year to those doing work in Sussex County.
To view Share the Plate FAQs, please click here.
- January — The Dignity Backpack Project. The Social and Environmental Justice Committee will be working, in coordination with the Southern Delaware Alliance for Racial Justice and The Way Home, to raise funds for the purchase of backpacks and essential basic hygiene and personal care items, grocery gift cards, clothing, and more to give individuals transitioning out of incarceration and rejoining their communities. These resources foster a sense of dignity and empowerment by supporting successful post-release integration and physical and mental health, thereby lowering recidivism rates and allowing impacted individuals the chance to focus on gaining employment. The funds raised will be used to make all necessary purchases. We are intentionally asking for funds rather than in-kind donations, so that we purchase specific items required to create as many complete backpacks as possible.
- November — UUA Disaster Relief Fund. Many of our fellow UU congregations over at least four states were in the path of Hurricanes Helene and Milton and have requested assistance. The UUA Disaster Relief Fund exists to support congregations affected by natural disasters, but it is at its lowest level since inception in 2017. It is funded by donations from congregations and individuals who want to help other UU congregations, their members and their communities get back on their feet. By request from UUSD members.
- October — Clothing Our Kids (COK). Since 2012, this all-volunteer local organization has provided appropriate clothing, shoes and coats at no charge to nearly 36,000 at-risk Sussex County children. In 2023-24, they provided over 28,000 items to over 3,500 kids. Many children do not have essential school clothing which has a direct negative impact on their self-esteem, attendance, ability to learn, and can lead to bullying. COK works with the school nurses/counselors and program directors to determine the needs of these children. When they started, COK only served elementary school children in Sussex County. Now, they serve not only 32 elementary schools and 11 HeadStarts, but they have added all the Sussex county middle schools, as well as three high schools. In accordance with our Resolution of Conscience supporting Children and Families and Economic Justice.
- September – Indian River School District Homeless Liaison Program. IRSD is the largest school district in Sussex County. There are approximately 150-200 children and youth at any given time in the District without fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. The work of the IRSD Homeless Education Liaison program is to minimize educational disruptions for those students who are experiencing homelessness in whatever form. They provide personal and/or household supplies, transportation, and help getting rental assistance and emergency shelter.

Nika Reid (left), IRSD Supervisor of Support Services and Walter Smith, Supervisor of Alternative Programs with the Indian River School District in Frankford, DE receiving our Share the Plate offering for September 2024. They are pictured in their storeroom of supplies that are distributed to homeless students.
- August – Southern Delaware Alliance for Racial Justice (SDARJ). SDARJ is a non-partisan organization that educates, informs, and advocates for racial justice, equality, and fair opportunity. UUSD is an official “Partner” of SDARJ and has worked together often.
- July – Primeros Pasos Early Learning Center in Georgetown. Casey Christophel (right), Executive Director, happily receives our STP donation from July. The funds will go toward the purchase of bikes and helmets for the Center’s newly built bike track for the children, most of whom have no other place to learn to ride and then safely ride a bike.
- June – What Is Your Voice? Jacqueline Sterbach, Founder and President of What Is Your Voice?, was thrilled with our Share the Plate donation. She is pictured below on their campus in Lewes. New cottage under construction on the right, and on the left is their blue post barn warehouse for supplies to help maintain the families living on the campus as they transition to being rehomed and reintegrated back to the community of Sussex County.
- Thank You card from “What Is Your Voice?”
May – I Support the Girls. Through an international network of Affiliates, I Support the Girls (ISTG) collects and distributes essential items, including menstrual hygiene products, allowing women and folx experiencing homelessness, impoverishment, or distress to stand tall with dignity. UUSD collected over $675, and due to an overwhelming response, we then collected menstrual hygiene products over the following few weeks. A large group of UUSD volunteers came together for a Packing Party to pack over 400 Backpack Period Packs with pads and tampons. Thank you to everyone who donated and helped, especially to ISTG Volunteer and UUSD member Darlene Regan.
April – Delaware Center for the Inland Bays, Thanks You Letter. The Delaware Center for the Inland Bays gratefully receive our Share the Plate donation in their HQ at the Indian River Inlet. In the photo (l to r):
Christophe Tulou, Executive Director; Anna Fagan, Deputy Director; Vicki Nichols, UUSD; and Mark Carter, Director of Development.
- March- First State Abortion Fund.
- February – Teach a Person to Fish Society, Thank You Letter

Teresa Ripley and Cass Ripley, Co-Directors of The Teach a Person to Fish Society receive our Share the Plate donation of $514.
- January – Rise Against Hunger, Thank You Letter; Rise Against Hunger thanked UUSD for the Share the Plate donation in the amount of $547, and for their participation in the Rise Against Hunger event. UUSD was by far the most visible group there with an estimated 50 UUSDers participating either in the morning or afternoon sessions. Those present packaged 70,000 meals.
- November – Milton Community Food Pantry, Thank You Letter
- October – The Way Home
- September – Cape Henlopen School District Homeless Liaison Program, Thank You Letter

Craig Warrington and Stephanie Collick of the Cape Henlopen School District Homeless Liaison Program
- August – Planned Parenthood of Delaware – Thank You Letter
- July – Sussex County Habitat for Humanity

Heather Barony, Chief Operating Officer, and Katie Millard, Director of Development and Advocacy for Habitat for Humanity; Vicki Nichols, UUSD
2022-2023 Recipients
- June – Sussex Pride
- May – Family Promise of Delaware – Thank You Letter

Carolyn Kelly, Executive Director of Family Promise of Southern Delaware
- April – Sussex Preservation Coalition
L to r: Jane Gruenebaum, President, Sussex Preservation Coalition; Vicki Nichols, UUSD
- March – Springboard Collaborative Village in Georgetown

L to r: Vicki Nichols, UUSD Share the Plate rep and Carolyn Berl, Food Services Manager and Volunteer Coordinator of Springboard Collaborative Pallet Village in Georgetown, DE
- January and February – Lighthouse for Broken Wings
2021 – 2022 Recipients
- November – Pathways to Success; Thank You Letter
L-R: Sarah Gilmour, Pathways Outreach and Development Director, Fay Blake, Founder and Executive Director, and Dan Acker, Pathways Board of Directors Treasurer and UUSD member
- October – Michaela’s Place
L to R:Vicki Nichols, UUSD, and Laila Brooks, Regional Director of Fellowship Health Resources, Inc. (FHR), who operate Michela’s Place
- September – Nanticoke Indian Museum,Thank You Letter
- August – Cape Henlopen School District Homeless Liaison Program, Thank You Letter

Shawna Steinmann, Asst. Homeless Liaison; Craig Warrington, Homeless Liaison and Visiting Teacher; and Stephanie Collick
Shawna Steinmann, Asst. Homeless Liaison; Craig Warrington, Homeless Liaison;
and Visiting Teacher, Stephanie Collick
- July – Abriendo Puertas , Thank You Letter
- June – Meals on Wheels, Thank You Letter
Kathy Keuski (center), Executive Director of Meals on Wheels Lewes-Rehoboth, with staff members
- May – Delaware Wild Lands, Thank You Letter
- April – ACLU Delaware, Thank You Letter
- March – Planned Parenthood of Delaware, Thank You Letter
- February – Delaware State Opportunity Scholars (Dreamers Program), Thank You Letter
- January – Lighthouse for Broken Wings; Thank You Letter

Toni Short, Founder, Lighthouse for Broken Wings