LGBTQ Welcoming Congregation2021-02-02T08:32:02-04:00

Welcoming Congregation

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Unitarian Universalists affirm and promote “the inherent worth and dignity of every person” in our First Principle. We are committed to embracing the spectrums of sexual orientation and gender identity.

LGBTQ Welcoming Congregation

UUSD has been certified by the Unitarian Universalist Association as a Welcoming Congregation. This means we live out our commitment to sexual and gender diversity by including people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer at every level of congregational life — in worship, in programs, in leadership positions, in celebrations, and in social occasions.

Supporting the LGBTQ Community

UUSSD_Welcoming Congregation_02LGBTQ Weddings — Our minister works with LGBTQ couples to create meaningful wedding ceremonies.

UUSSD_Welcoming Congregation_03Legislative Action — Members of our congregation worked for the passage of the Delaware Civil Union and Equality Law in 2012 and for the legalization of gay marriage in Delaware in 2015.

UUSSD_Welcoming Congregation_04Delaware Gay Pride — UUSD participates in and supports the Annual Delaware Pride Festival that is held in Dover.

UUSSD_Welcoming Congregation_05PFLAG — Members of our congregation are active in the local Rehoboth PFLAG group. This group offers the opportunity to discuss sexual orientation and gender identity and works to create a society that is respectful of human diversity. In June 2018, we designated Rehoboth PFLAG as the recipient of our monthly Share the Plate collection.

CAMP Rehoboth — Many members of our congregation are involved in volunteering and supporting events at CAMP. Those collaborations include singing in the CAMP Chorus and hosting their concerts, sending our event publicity to the CAMP newsletter, Letters, and purchasing ads in their Chorus brochure.


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