Tenth Annual UUSD Darwin Day Celebration
Saturday, February 24
10:00 a.m. to noon, via Zoom
Alan Lightman Discusses Science and Spirituality

This event includes a YouTube presentation by Alan Lightman, well-known Harvard and MIT astrophysicist who is also a poet and writer. He discusses his views on science and what it means to be a spiritual materialist. The presentation was held at the Rubin Museum of Art which contains works from Tibet and other countries in Eurasia and is facilitated by its Deputy Executive Director, Tim McHenry.

A discussion will follow the video which includes topics such as social evolution, the existence of a soul, what happens after you die, and the nature of consciousness. The program is open to UUSD members and friends. To register, contact b.kirk@uussd.org. The YouTube link and zoom link will be sent shortly before February 24.