Becoming a Member2024-08-21T10:07:05-04:00

Becoming a Member

As a member of UUSD, you will be part of a caring community of people who welcome you and affirm your worth and dignity. We invite you to get involved in ways that both nourish you spiritually and challenge you to give of yourself for others. We welcome you and the unique gifts you bring.

Twenty-nine new members were received by the congregation on May 14, 2023. They were joined by Barbara Barnette, Chair of the Membership Committee, Rev. Heather Rion Star, Minister, and Paul Barnette, President of the Board of Trustees.

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December 3, 2023: New Member Ceremony

May 14, 2023: Twenty-nine new members were received by the congregation on May 14, 2023. They were joined by Barbara Barnette, Chair of the Membership Committee, Rev. Heather Rion Star, Minister, and Paul Barnette, President of the Board of Trustees.

Benefits of Membership

  • Support, compassion, and friendship from a loving congregation that welcomes everyone
  • Pastoral care support in times of need
  • Being part of a dynamic community of faith and action
  • Access to diverse social and spiritual opportunities
  • Religious education for children, youth, and adults
  • Voting at congregational meetings and holding elected office

UUSSD_Becoming_a_Member_02How to Become a Member

  • Attend worship services and participate in congregational activities.
  • Build your understanding of our UU faith and UUSD by participating in our Introductory UU/”UU Tuneup” class (held periodically each year).
  • Consider whether UUSD is a place where you’d like to make a commitment to participate in congregational life.
  • Explore membership by contacting Barbara Barnette, Chair of our Membership Committee, at
  • Sign our membership book to formalize your membership and take part in our New Member Welcoming Service.

Joining Means You Want to:

Friends of UUSD

A person may want to become a part of our UUSD community without signing the Membership Book at this time. Perhaps they are not “joiners” of organized religions, still feel committed to another faith, or want to support the religious commitment of their life partner. For this circumstance, we have created the term “Friend” of UUSD. A Friend comes to worship services, volunteers their time or talent, makes a financial commitment, or participates in covenant groups, other forms of small group ministry, or adult education classes that help them along on their spiritual quest. Friends are listed in the directory/Breeze along with Members.


If you have other questions about membership, please contact Barbara Barnette, Chair of our Membership Committee, at

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