Next service: In person & livestreamed

Once upon a time, there was a drop of water… named Higgins
Sep 15 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am

Sunday, September 15, 10 a.m., “Once upon a time, there was a drop of water… named Higgins,” Rev. Heather Rion Starr, Prof. Heather Hamilton, and Julie Keefer with the UUSD Choir: Join us for this joyful forward-looking service when we regroup and regather after summer activities. We will celebrate our annual Unitarian Universalist Water Ceremony and embark together on our congregational year ahead. You are invited to bring a small container of water to pour into our common bowls for the Water Ceremony. This can be  water you may have collected over the summer or water to symbolize places where your spirit has been nourished over the summer months.

  • UUSD is requiring that only vaccinated individuals (who are eligible to be vaccinated against COVID) attend in-person services.
  • Please stay home and enjoy our livestream if you have a fever, any other symptoms of illness, or if it’s simply a better option for you.
  • Mask wearing is encouraged but not required.

Winter Solstice Celebration

Come! Call back the light! On this, the longest night of the year, we will invite new beginnings into our lives and pause to listen to the renewal of our life’s direction.

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

“Lean Into the Mystery,” Rev. Heather Rion Starr on December 24th at 4pm.

Celebrate this time of the longest nights by singing carols, lifting up good stories, and enjoying one another’s good company.

All are welcome on this sparkly and festive evening.

Transgender Day of Remembrance, Nov 20 at 6:30p.m.

Sussex Pride will hold a vigil to honor Transgender Day of Remembrance at UUSD. The event takes place at UUSD and is co-hosted by UUSD’s Social and Environmental Justice Committee.



Sharing Our Stories

Each of us at UUSD has a different story to tell about how we found a spiritual home here. A few of us are life-long UUs but most are not, having come from a variety of other religious backgrounds or from no particular place of faith. Whatever our journey, sharing the stories of the paths we took helps connect us to each other and to the shared journey we are now making.