Word cloud about Adult Faith ExplorationAll are welcome to join the UUSD Adult Faith Exploration Committee Humanism Study Group in this Zoom discussion. The UU Humanism group of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Cherry Hill, NJ will host. The focus will be on how humanist values were experienced at this year’s General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association. If you are not on our email list, please contact humanists@uussd.org for the Zoom link. More information follows.

UU congregations have promoted humanist values in 7 Principles and sources of wisdom. Those fundamentals are being reconsidered now. How are the proposed changes in agreement with humanist living? Is this discussion of values in continuing, enhancing or diminishing humanist values? If you are interested in the impact of humanist values in our congregation and others, we might learn from how the association of UU congregations is suggesting revision of their fundamentals. In the August 1 meeting, you will hear the stories of delegates to the recent Unitarian Universalist Association General Assembly and their experience in discussions on major changes to fundamental ideology in the association.