Artificial Intelligence Literacy Bill and Civic Responsibility
What You Should Know: A Civics Lesson and Discussion on Artificial Intelligence
Thursday, January 18 at 7 p.m. on Zoom

(Contact for the Zoom link.)

Adult Faith Exploration invites you to join in our zoom meeting to hear the basics of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and discuss what we need to know and do about it. We seek to inform and inspire each other in this meeting.

Two documents will get our discussion going. You don’t need to read them. The Artificial Intelligence (AI) Literacy Act being introduced in the US House of Representatives by Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester (D-DE) and Rep. Larry Bucshon (R-IN) states that we need AI literacy—an understanding of basic AI principles and applications, the skills to recognize when AI is employed, and awareness of its limits.

The Coming Wave, a book by Mustafa Suleyman, describes the potential wonders and catastrophes that artificial intelligence (AI) could bring to our humanity.

These readings will help us to discuss how we can contribute to the impact of AI in our lives and in our congregation. This science of learning and robotics is moving forward very quickly and destined to permeate our lives and those of future generations.

How could we benefit? How could we be hurt? How do we protect our privacy, our property, our community, our country, and our general well-being? How can we use AI for personal growth and the advancement of humanity? How can we protect future generations? Consider this important lifelong learning, consideration of our moral responsibility, a tool for individual growth and the future of humankind. Join us as we pursue personal growth and activism in our communities.