~Carol Huckabee, Board of Trustees

On June 9th, 2024, the congregation held its annual meeting to elect new members for the Board of Trustees and the Leadership Development Committee. UUSDers who were members for a minimum of 30 days could vote. The meeting was well-attended with a total of 97 ballots received. Absentee ballots were available for folks who were unable to attend the meeting. Absentee ballots counted toward the number of members needed for a valid quorum to conduct business for the congregation.

Four congregants were elected to the Board of Trustees. These members will serve a two-year term from July 2024 through June 2026.

Candidates and their votes include:
● Donna Davis 92
● Linda Marsden 92
● Beth Law 91
● Paul Barnette 89

Three congregants were elected to the Leadership Development Committee. These members will serve a two-year term from July 2024 through June 2026.

Candidates and their votes include:
● Lori Rocheleau 93
● Beth Nevill 90
● Susan Goekler 89

Congregants also voted on the following motions:
● Move to approve the meeting minutes of the June 11, 2023 Annual Congregational Meeting: 91 Approve 2 Abstentions
● Move to approve the Operating Fund Budget and Non-Operations Budget for Fiscal Year 24-25: 91 Approve 2 Abstentions
● Move to approve the Revised Resolution of Conscience: 87 Approve 2 Abstentions
● Move to approve the UUSD name By-Laws correction: 89 Approve 3 Abstentions
● Move to affirm the Searching for the Future Taskforce Strategic Plan: 79 Affirm 9 Abstentions