June 9, 2024 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am

Sunday, June 9, 10 a.m., “Music Sunday! Our Melodies Behind Glass: A Musical Window to the Soul,” Julie Keefer, Director of Music Ministries: Experience the essence of music’s ability to connect with the soul, like how a glass window both reveals and protects. This year’s Music Sunday sets a serene and introspective tone for a day filled with music and contemplation. 

Making the day even more special, we will be dedicating the window created and built by our very own Rev. Dr. Ron Parks. Bringing to fruition the hopes and dreams of the late Gabriel Zepecki, Ron has hand-crafted the new stained-glass window, which captures the very spirit of UUSD. Join us as the choir brings the design of the stained-glass window to life through music.

Our All-Congregational Annual Meeting follows the service today. All are welcome to attend. Only Members may vote. 

  • UUSD is requiring that only vaccinated individuals (who are eligible to be vaccinated against COVID) attend in-person services.
  • Please stay home and enjoy our livestream if you have a fever, any other symptoms of illness, or if it’s simply a better option for you.
  • Mask wearing is encouraged but not required.