Committee Charges
For contact information for the Chairs of these committees, see the Committees and Contacts page.
Church Council
Purpose: To provide a forum for cross-committee communication, coordination and collaboration on issues impacting the congregation.
The Church Council, a committee of the Board, is made up of committee chairs or their designees. The Council is chaired by the Board Vice-President. The meetings of the Council are held quarterly or as needed. Congregational members and staff are welcome to attend.
Specific responsibilities of the Church Council include:
- Promote effective committees through sharing best practices, and
- Provide feedback to the Board of Trustees on important matters, including recommending new policy, or changes to existing
Specific responsibilities of individual Church Council members include:
- To promote effective communication through their sharing of information about new activities and programs being planned, including event dates, as well as updates on current activities, initiatives, and results;
- To coordinate initiatives involving more than one committee; and
- To share any concerns about the church and the congregation.
Committee on Congregational Life
Purpose: To advise the Board of Trustees on the overall congregational health of UUSD, support and encourage congregational engagement, and support efforts to address identified problems.
The Committee’s Activities may include:
1. Collaborating with the Board of Trustees/others to evaluate the overall functioning of the congregation, through:
• Designing and supporting implementation of a periodic congregational survey
• Assessing member engagement processes
• Assessing the effectiveness of our welcoming community
2. Promoting member engagement and investment in congregational life, and support of congregational efforts and activities by:
• Encouraging member involvement in the full range of congregational activities
• Encouraging and supporting celebration of people and events
3. Addressing conflict and promoting a healthy mediation process through
• Offering educational programming related to healthy congregations and healthy practices
• Offering mediation when requested to address conflicts that have arisen.
Communications Committee
Purpose: To coordinate and develop all communication vehicles that inform the congregation and the larger community about UUSD’s vision, mission, and activities.
The Communications Committee is responsible for:
- Drafting policies governing the print and electronic publications of the church, including the newsletter, website, church affiliated social network sites, order of service, and mass e-mailings subject to approval by the Board of Trustees
- Developing procedures to support approved policies
- Encouraging adherence to established communication standards (editorial, graphic, and the use of the UUSD logo)
- Participating in marketing and other planning in conjunction with the Board of Trustees and Church Council
- Providing education about communication procedures as requested by staff and lay leadership
- Collaborating with committees and other stakeholders.
Specific duties include the edit, design, or oversight of the following to ensure that the quality and content of all communications for UUSD sponsored or co-sponsored events are compatible with UUSD principles, policies, and covenant and promote UUSD’s brand identity within the greater community.
- UUSD brand
- UUSD newsletter
- Newsletter e-mail announcements
- UUSD website
- Standard format for weekly email
- Event announcements in the OOS
- Bulletin boards within UUSD facilities
- Press releases and interviews
- UUSD social network sites such as Facebook
Denominational Affairs Committee
The basic charge of the Denominational Affairs Committee (DAC) is to encourage and assist the congregation in its active involvement in the denominational affairs of the broader UU world (Cluster, District, Region, UUA, UUA Affiliated, and Global).
The key role of the Denominational Affairs Committee is to assure communication to the congregation, the Board of Trustees, and/or to the appropriate Committee(s) and group(s), of the significant news, events, resolutions, and proposals from the UUA, Districts, and other affiliated UU organizations, and to highlight and help coordinate any need for UUSD action and/or response. Some of this communication would be managed by the Board, an appropriate committee or UUSD group, and some might be done by Denominational Affairs. This decision would be made up front between the DAC and the appropriate committee/group/BOT on a case-by-case basis.
In addition, the Denominational Affairs Committee will help coordinate appropriate UUSD communication and response as needed for those general UU events such as General Assembly, where no other specific UUSD Committee, Staff, the Board, or other UUSD group has prime responsibility. While pursuing this charge and role, the DAC will carefully avoid interfering with, or duplicating, the charge and role of any UUSD Committee.
Executive Team
Purpose: To manage UUSD administration and other operations as prescribed by the UUSD Board of Trustees (BOT).
Team Composition and Term of Service: The Team will be composed of the Minister and two to five UUSD members. New members will be selected by the Minister and current Team members. Members should have administrative experience, cannot be BOT members and, preferably, are not serving in any other UUSD leadership position. Members will serve a two-year term and can be re-appointed one time. The Minister is the lead on the Executive Team.
Executive Team Operating Principles
- The Executive Team will:
- Initiate and coordinate actions related to the administrative and operational issues of UUSD. These actions may be requested by the BOT, be self-initiated, or requested by another UUSD component.
- Sustain and coordinate current administrative systems, review and assess administrative effectiveness, and maintain administrative continuity.
- Rely on, collaborate with, and support existing committees and individuals who have administrative functions. In turn, those committees and individuals, along with the Church Council, will work collaboratively with the Executive Team.
- Be responsible for making decisions for the day-to-day operation of UUSD and will be the primary adjudicator for conflicts in such operations, not to include member conflict resolution.
- Recommend to the BOT relevant policy changes and implement procedures related to administrative and operational functions.
Responsibilities: The Executive Team serves in a coordinating and advisory capacity on matters related to the financial management and building operations. These two functions are currently being executed by the Financial Officer(s), Finance Committee, and the Property Management Committee.
General Administration, Information Management, and Human Resource Management require a more hands-on approach and will be managed as outlined below:
- General Administration:
- Establish and maintain the UUSD Office in collaboration with the Office Administrator;
- Coordinate and oversee maintenance of the congregational calendar;
- Coordinate general issues related to space usage in collaboration with the Property Management Committee.
- Information Management Systems:
- Determine centralized information management needs;
- Establish and monitor an electronic storage system for UUSD documents and other information;
- Oversee the process of transitioning to such system and maintenance of the system.
- Human Resources
- Manage the hiring process of core staff in collaboration with the relevant committee(s) (e.g., the Lifespan Faith Committee for the Religious Education Director).
- Make recommendations to the Board for additional or expanded positions.
Approved by the Board of Trustees, October 20, 2021
Expansion Planning Committee
Inactive at this time
Facilities Task Force
Goal: To develop and present to the Congregation both a short and a long-term plan and related funding needs for meeting the future facilities needs of UUSD. Needs are considered those which support the long-term success of the congregation.
Role & Responsibilities:
1. Develop and recommend comprehensive short- and long-term facilities scenarios to present to the BOT and subsequently to the Congregation.
2. Develop a short-term plan (FY2025) including any required planning funding.
3. Develop a long-term plan (FY2026) including any required planning funding.
4. Develop cost estimate profiles to implement both the short- and long- term facilities plans.
5. Communicate with the Stewardship Ministry Team and Finance regarding funding needs.
6. Gain approval(s) for both the short- and long-term facilities plans from the BOT/Congregation.
Finance Committee
Goal: The Finance Committee is a committee of the Board and its goal is to support the vision and mission of UUSD, and working with the UUSD Finance Officer, to assure a solid financial foundation to help the congregation flourish.
Role & Responsibilities:
- Support the Finance Officer on any financial issues and responsibilities as requested.
- Coordinate the Annual Pledge Campaign Program.
- Coordinate the Annual Operating and Capital Budget Development, in conjunction with the Finance Officer, and jointly propose said budgets to the Board of Trustees (BOT).
- Coordinate UUSD member “Legacy commitment” managed through the Cloud Society.
- Coordinate the planning and execution of the annual accounting review/audit on a timely basis. Identify persons to do the review/audit who will be approved by the BOT, and not to be members of the BOT.
- Coordinate capital campaign programs as needed, working with the appropriate committees approved by the BOT.
- Provide advice to BOT & Committees on financial policy, bylaws, and related financial matters.
- Provide capital and reserve fund investment policy and advice.
- Support fundraising with donation technology and fund management assistance as requested.
- Encourage short- and long-term financial planning as needed beyond annual budget development.
- Help prepare grant proposals as requested.
- Support any financial analysis and plans outside the budgeting process, undertaken by special committees or projects formed within the congregation and approved by the BOT. An example would be ministerial search,
Specific Committee Financial Development Approach:
- To help achieve effective and efficient results, the Committee will operate through sub-committees and temporary project teams established and monitored by the full Committee.
- The sub-committees and project teams will objectively determine the specific financial needs of the community, by working with the BOT, Committees, the Minister, Staff, and the Finance Officer, and will assess proposals against appropriate UUA and financial guidelines.
- Finance Committee members openly share their own views, but once concluded, all will abide by the committee’s consensus, and all cost and policy information is considered confidential until reviewed and approved by the BOT.
- The Committee understands the right of the UUSD BOT to modify, change, or amend any proposed budget or financial policy proposal we submit to them.
- The committee recognizes the ultimate authority of the congregation to approve or reject a final budget and/or program submitted to them by the BOT.
Fundraising Committee
It takes financial resources to run quality programs that support our congregation and further our mission and vision. Fundraising projects throughout the budget year generally account for about 10% of the congregation’s income. Also, key to building and maintaining a healthy vital community is sharing good times together that are not necessarily focused on fundraising.
Role: The Fundraising Committee is an overall steering committee whose purpose is to plan, organize, schedule, and coordinate fundraising activities throughout the year.
Specific Responsibilities:
- Plan and coordinate the annual fundraising auction.
- Continually identify fundraising opportunities.
- Develop an annual fundraising plan and schedule.
- Attend Committee Council meetings to communicate fundraising and social event plans to other committee chairs and coordinate scheduling.
Governance Review Team
Purpose: UUSD’s governance documents—bylaws, policies and procedures, and committee charges—have been in place for several years. During that time, various changes have occurred—both to the documents themselves and to the practices they addressed. Of course, not all the changes in practice made their way into the documentation, and some of the documented changes may not have made their way into practice. It has become clear that a full-scale, systematic review of these documents must be undertaken.
The Governance Review Team will undertake a systematic, comprehensive review of UUSD’s governance documents, with an eye to bringing them into conformance with current practice, desired future practice—and one another. Bylaws will be updated and revised as necessary, with subsequent conforming changes made to policies, procedures, and committee charges. The goal will be to produce a complete, internally consistent set of documents that will serve as a resource and a guide to UUSD members.
The team will:
- Thoroughly review the existing governance documents
- Prioritize sections for review/revision
- Proceed systematically—and iteratively—with revisions for each section, e.g.: Develop suggested revisions for one section of the bylaws, to include conforming policies and procedures; “Field” these suggestions to impacted parties, e.g., minister, affected committees, and to the Board; Consider comments; revise as necessary/desirable; Revisit impacted parties and the Board; Finalize a given section, presenting it for Board review/approval
It is anticipated that the review and update of all the governance documents will take two or three years to complete. Approved revisions may become effective throughout that time period; i.e., approval/implementation of one discrete section does not need to await approval of the whole.
Human Resources Committee
The Human Resources Committee shall:
- Make annual recommendations to the Board of Trustees as to salary and benefit levels, including merit and/or cost-of-living increases, for the congregation’s employees. In making its recommendations, the committee shall consider, and where appropriate address, the relative salary and benefit levels of employees in various positions.
- Periodically review the position descriptions and/or letters of employment for each staff member and the written policies and procedures pertaining to personnel matters. The Committee shall recommend revisions as necessary to the Board of Trustees.
- Provide appropriate advice and support to the minister, Lifespan Faith Development Director and Music Director, regarding personnel matters, including the selection, evaluation, compensation, and termination of any individual.
- Receive and review any comments, compliments, or complaints from congregation members about any member of the staff.
- Undertake other personnel related matters as requested by the Board of Trustees.
- This committee will meet with minister, Lifespan Faith Development Director and Music Director semiannually and/or as needed.
Leadership Development (Standing Committee)
Purpose: The Leadership Development Committee shall be responsible for:
- Nominating qualified candidates to serve on the Board of Trustees and the Leadership Development Committee;
- Providing the Board and/or committee chairs with names of potential committee members and/or others interested in other volunteer positions; and
- Coordinating leadership development activities designed to help identify and prepare members for leadership positions within UUSD.
- In consultation with the Minister, the Leadership Development Committee will use objective and subjective measures to identify, encourage, and nurture current and potential leaders. Nominees are subject to the requirements of Articles IV and IX [UUSD bylaws].
- The Leadership Development Committee’s will submit a list of candidates to the congregation for the Board of Trustees and Leadership Development Committee for election at the UUSD Annual Meeting.
- The Leadership Development Committee will consider all eligible nominations made by members in determining the list of nominees. Each candidate must agree to serve in the position if elected.
Lifespan Faith Exploration Committee
Purpose: To set goals, objectives, and a philosophy needed to produce and maintain programs it establishes for Unitarian Universalist religious education for congregation members of all ages as well as for programs designed to attract persons from the greater community.
Specific Responsibilities:
- Become familiar with UUA and other RE materials.
- Assess interests and skills within the congregation for program development, leadership, and promotion.
- Design a program for the church year to serve the interests and needs of various segments of the congregation that uses available resources.
- Publicize programming within and outside the congregation as appropriate.
- Involve the constituents of programming (parents, children, youth, adults) in recommending ideas and plans and in evaluating programs.
- Locate, orient, train, and support leadership and other volunteer staff.
- Arrange for appropriate space, equipment, and supplies.
- Coordinate scheduling with other programs and committees, including special events.
- Plan for professional RE leadership when feasible, and covenant with that leader to enable the program to express the mission and vision of UUSD and outreach into the community.
- Participate in regular UUSD-wide planning efforts, including maintaining and providing attendance and feedback data toward that effort.
Membership Committee
Consistent with the vision and missions of UUSD, the purpose of the Membership Committee is to attract new visitors to UUSD, provide a welcoming atmosphere for those attending Sunday worship, provide opportunities to support new members, and work to retain the ones we have
Some specific responsibilities include:
- Providing activities and programs that increase the public profile of UUSD in the larger community and attract new visitors;
- Keeping track of visitors and attendance at services;
- Training greeters;
- Providing activities for newcomers and new members so that they become integrated in the church community; and
- Contacting members who have not participated in church life for a while.
Pastoral Care Committee
Purpose: To assist the Minister in providing pastoral care to members of the congregation. Through our turning toward one another, we live out our commitment “to help one another,” and to continually remember that we are a part of a perfectly imperfect, interdependent web of all existence. In providing assistance, we covenant to dismantle racism and all forms of systemic oppression in our pastoral work.
Lay Pastoral Care Associates recognize that we cannot do everything, and we strive to be clear about what we can and cannot do. We are primarily available to provide caring and listening peer support to members.
Specific Responsibilities:
- In coordination with the Minister, we respond to expressed requests for or perceived need for personal contact to address spiritual, emotional, or psychological distress or needs for practical assistance.
- Provide friendly visiting, referrals, or concrete services as appropriate.
- Maintain confidentiality regarding the identities and issues of those served.
- Report important information to the Minister.
Property Management
The Property Management Committee is charged by the Board of Trustees to:
- a) manage routine operation and maintenance of the UUSD facility (building and grounds);
- b) be the focus for facility-related concerns, problems and requests from members and committees;
- c) provide general information on systems operations to the entire UUSD membership, and/or more detailed information to specific groups;
- d) monitor need for capital improvements and purchases and oversee work on such improvements.
The Committee shall report directly to the Board of Trustees and is authorized by the Board to approve individual expenditures for operation and maintenance of no more than $3000 and individual expenditures for capital purchases/improvements of no more than $1000. Total expenditures approved by the Committee may not exceed the amount budgeted (in the budget currently in effect) for maintenance or capital expenditures.
Safer Congregation Committee
Purpose: The Safer Congregation Committee is responsible for the overall oversight of the safety ministry and is accountable to the Board.
- Formulate with the Board the mission and vision of the safety ministry.
- Assesses the risks facing the congregation, establishes policies and procedures for the safety ministry, and works with the Board on safety and security policies and procedures for the congregation.
- Reach out to and consult with members and community partners for assistance in developing policies and procedures for the congregation.
- Offer a report at each annual meeting of the congregation.
- Create communication which will be sent regularly to the congregation newsletter, used as appropriate in training/orientation for leaders and teachers, and included in new member packets.
Social & Environmental Justice Committee
Purpose: To inform and educate congregation members and the public in areas of social concern; to find ways and means to rectify social injustices; to sponsor and support groups organized to deal with social problems; and to develop informed leaders to foster a just and peaceful world.
Specific responsibilities:
- Provide opportunities for congregation members to participate in social service projects.
- Conduct educational, worship, or social events to raise the congregation’s awareness of social and environmental justice issues.
- Support congregation members in publicly witnessing about social issues and organizing to change systems of injustice and oppression.
- Publicize UUSD’s and other organizations’ efforts to promote social justice.
- Create alliances with other likeminded groups in the community and world.
- Annually review goals of UUA, UUSD, and the committee, solicit feedback from the congregation, and evaluate and revise efforts and contribute to regular UUSD planning efforts.
Stewardship Ministry Team
Purpose: To provide a vehicle for planning and coordinating a congregation-wide vision of generosity that will sustain a culture of stewardship and enable UUSD to thrive.
Stewardship: Stewardship is an ongoing intentional process for giving our care, time, skill, intelligence, gifts, and money. We give freely and joyfully based on our values as Unitarian Universalists. Stewardship requires a reciprocal capacity for both giving generously and receiving the gifts given to us. As a spiritual practice, stewardship is generative and transformative, creating more meaningful connections with each other, as well as deeper levels of engagement with UUSD and the larger world.
Stewardship Ministry Team Composition:
The Stewardship Ministry Team (SMT) will be comprised of four to five (4-5) members who will be appointed by the Board of Trustees. Members will serve for a minimum term of two (2) years. Members will have planning and/or leadership experience and cannot serve concurrently on the Board of Trustees.
Stewardship Ministry Operating Principles and Responsibilities:
- The Stewardship Ministry Team (SMT) will develop a long-term comprehensive stewardship plan that is grounded in UUSD’s vision and mission.
- Across various established committees and ministries at UUSD, the Stewardship Ministry Team will identify areas of coordination and conflict around stewardship efforts.
- The Stewardship Ministry Team will ensure a high level of coordination between short-term goals developed by various ministries and the congregation-wide vision for sustained stewardship. This coordination will need to provide flexibility in order to respond to changes in financial, staff and volunteer resources.
- The Stewardship Ministry Team will be responsible for planning education efforts to help the whole congregation better understand stewardship, along with ways to contribute, think generously, and find a deeper level of engagement and capacity for generosity.
- The Stewardship Ministry Team will periodically report to the Board of Trustees.
- The Stewardship Ministry Team will work closely with staff as appropriate.
Worship Committee
Purpose: To work with the Minister to provide high quality Sunday and special event worship services.
Specific Responsibilities:
- To oversee the provision and quality of the components of the worship experience, including; planning, with the Minister, and other committees, individuals, or groups as necessary, the content and themes of services throughout the year.
- Providing the Communications Committee with information regarding upcoming worship services and events.
- Providing for Orders of Service for each service/event.
- Recruiting, training, and managing ushers for each service/event.
- Participating in the Worship Associate program as appropriate; assisting in recruiting, training, and scheduling as needed.
- Replenishing supplies for the altar.