Word cloud about Adult Faith ExplorationWe can’t control everything that happens, but we can control how we respond. The purpose of The Yoga Sutras, written over 2,000 years ago, is to teach us how to respond to things in such a way that we can learn more about ourselves. We will briefly have a meditation and mindfulness focus and then discuss the three Sutras: Ahisma (non-harming), Satya (truth in words, thoughts, and deeds), and Asteya (non-stealing).

The Forum invites connection through thoughts and feelings that inspire. This discussion is a public forum, open to all and is designed for non-religious and religious people with the intent to bring participants together who seek conversation with kindness. We hope you will join us in our shared journey to seek truth, meaning, and purpose in life.


Our November AFE Team Forum discussion leader will be Bobbe Baggio. For more information, email b.baggio@uussd.org.