Word cloud about Adult Faith Exploration“Fundamentalism” – AFE SUNDAY FORUM, OCTOBER 6, AFTER SERVICE, IN R.E. ROOM FROM 11:15 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

In her book, “The Battle for God: A History of Fundamentalism,” Karin Armstrong traces the evolution of fundamentalist thought in 3 religious traditions — Islam, Judaism, and Protestant Christianity. Her journey begins in 1492 and ends toward the end of the 20th century. After a brief synopsis of her book, we will consider areas where we have gotten more rigid in our personal beliefs/thoughts and what has precipitated such hardening.

The Forum invites connection through thoughts and feelings that inspire. This discussion is a public forum, open to all and is designed for non-religious and religious people with the intent to bring participants together who seek conversation with kindness. We hope you will join us in our shared journey to seek truth, meaning, and purpose in life.

Our October AFE Team Forum discussion leader will be Susan Goekler. For more information, contact Susan Goekler at

