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March 2, 2025 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Sunday, March 2, 10 a.m., “Writing Our Next Chapter, Together!” Rev. Heather Rion Starr: We co-create this community anew each week, each month, each year, by sharing our skills, interests, time, talent, and treasure. Those of us here now carry forward and craft something that we truly hope and expect will long outlast our individual lives. What will be your part in our ever-evolving story? What will your chapter be in The Story of this time? Join us for this FY26 Pledge Drive Kick-off Sunday!
- UUSD is requiring that only vaccinated individuals (who are eligible to be vaccinated against COVID) attend in-person services.
- Please stay home and enjoy our livestream if you have a fever, any other symptoms of illness, or if it’s simply a better option for you.
- Mask wearing is encouraged but not required.