October 3
The service is both in person (by registration) and livestreamed at https://uussd.org//livestream starting at 9:52 a.m.
The Circle of Our Gathering – Leika Lewis-Cornwell
The past 18 months have given us the opportunity to explore new ways of being together.
How will we bring a new understanding to the relationships we cherish and the faith we grow together? This service will introduce the October Soul Matters theme, “Cultivating Relationship.
Leika Lewis-Cornwell (they/she) is an organizational consultant and Unitarian Universalist (UU) minister in formation. Leika completed a two-year internship at the UU Church of Annapolis in 2020 and currently serves as the President of the UU Humanist Association. A native of the DC area, Leika has spent the past 20 years working with churches, non-profits, and large organizations to help them grow into their best selves. Leika now lives in Milford, DE with her family.
Click here to register for the in-person service. A Zoom coffee hour follows each service at 11:00 a.m. The Zoom link will be shown at the end of the service.