July 25, 2021 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am

July 25, 2021, 10:00 a.m., Sunday Service and Children’s Religious Education*

In-person Service and Live Streamed at uussd.org/livestream 

Everything is Alive! We Live in an Interconnected Web of Being. 
Rev. Sue Greer, UUSD Friend

Our main purpose in life is connection, connection to the Now, to our Ancestors, and to our Future. All life, from insect to whale, from tree to moss, holds the key to our experience of this connection.

We learn that when we experience and hold the sense of oneness with all, we realize that we live in a continuous fabric of being, as everything is our relation. To “All My Relations,” a prayer, a recognition of our interdependent connection to one another. Come explore with her this web of interconnected life as she talks about the Tree of Life as our model of oneness.

*Religious education classes are offered for children 4 years and older on the 2nd and 4th Sundays during the worship service. On those Sundays children should go directly to the RE room and not to the sanctuary. On the other Sundays, children should stay in the sanctuary with their parents. Children must wear masks along with the adults working with them. July 25 Class: Make Your Own Coat of Arms

Coffee hour will be held on Zoom at 4 p.m. To join, click on http://Us02web.zoom.us/j/82196792268?pwd=MGw2aUJjNWVleXJuRVpseUQ0ZWp6dz09.

This worship service will be held in-person at UUSD. The service will also be livestreamed on the UUSD website at https://uussd.org//livestream beginning at 9:45 a.m.

The worship service is being livestreamed and digitally recorded. Photos and videos may also be taken. Space is available at the back of the sanctuary for those who do not want their image or the images of their children livestreamed, recorded, archived, photographed, and posted on the UUSD’s website, social media, or in print.