April 20, 2025 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am

Sunday, April 20, 10 a.m., “A Stranger with Your Hair,” Rev. Heather Rion Starr: In this year’s annual Unitarian Universalist pondering of Easter Sunday, we will reflect on The Resurrection as a metaphorical experience of Grief. When someone is so imprinted on our hearts that we see them everywhere, even after they are gone, could that be Grief? When an experience was so powerful that we cannot stop talking about it and bringing it forward into our present, could that be Grief? When he/she/they are always with us now, could that be Grief? 

There will be an Easter Egg Hunt following the service. Please speak with Children’s Faith Exploration Director, Heather Hamilton, for details!

  • UUSD is requiring that only vaccinated individuals (who are eligible to be vaccinated against COVID) attend in-person services.
  • Please stay home and enjoy our livestream if you have a fever, any other symptoms of illness, or if it’s simply a better option for you.
  • Mask wearing is encouraged but not required.