August 15, 2021 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am

August 15
A Life in Unitarian Universalism: Rev. Heather Rion Starr

(This service will be both in person—masks required—and livestreamed at https://uussd.org//livestream starting at 9:45 a.m.)

Today I will share with you some of the highlights of my life growing up in Unitarian Universalism.

Life-long UU’rs, I’d love to hear from you and know what stands out for you from your experience!

All the rest of you who have chosen to become Unitarian Universalists as adults, in what ways does your other/childhood faith, non-religious humanist or atheist upbringing, or not talking about religion at all continue to influence you and your perspective today?

The Social hour will be held in-person but no food or beverages will be served..

The worship service is being livestreamed and digitally recorded. Photos and videos may also be taken. Space is available at the back of the sanctuary for those who do not want their image or the images of their children livestreamed, recorded, archived, photographed, and posted on the UUSD’s website, social media, or in print.