Word cloud about Adult Faith ExplorationAFE class in October: How to know a person by David Brooks – Book discussion

Mary Quigley and Betty Kirk will hold a three-session class based on Brook’s book on Thursdays, Oct. 3, 10, and 17 from 10:30 to noon in the large FE room. We will discuss one of the three sections of the book each week using our own personal stories and experiences. It’s been proven that the story to a long, healthy, and meaningful life depends not only on good nutrition, exercise, and genes, but also on the development of social ties and deep relationships. How we develop and maintain friendships and close relationships will be parsed and evaluated to see if Brooks is on the right path or has overlooked some things.

Mary Quigley is a licensed clinical social worker with over 30 years of experience working in private practice with couples, individuals and families. She has taught a UUSD class on how to cope with loss . Betty Kirk has a Ph.D. in international relations and has experienced the difficulties of working with and making friends with people of different cultures and personalities. She has taught many UUSD adult classes including UU Tune UP and The Seven Principles.

Please read the first section of the book for the first class. For questions or to register, contact
Betty at

