Those in the photo: Mac Goekler representing UUSD and UUs for Alternatives to the Death Penalty; John Reynolds representing ACLU’S Clean Slate and Smart Justice Campaigns; Lynn Kielhorn representing Delaware Campaign to End Debtors Prisons; Kailyn Richards representing Delaware Center for Justice; Charlotte King representing Southern Delaware Alliance for Racial Justice; Pastor Tyrone Johnson, Sr. Representing Churches Take a Corner.

The war on drugs, mass incarceration, the bail bond system, fines and fees that continue accruing, unequal sentencing, probation rules that send people back to prison for minor infractions, profiling, etc., – all these issues are parts of the U.S. criminal (In)justice system that have sustained racial disparities by disproportionally affecting minorities and those with less income.  They contribute to keeping us a divided society. 

The Unitarian Universalists of Southern Delaware are pleased to partner with the Southern Delaware Alliance for Racial Justice, the Smart Justice/Clean Slate initiative, the Campaign to End Debtor’s Prison and others to offer a forum on April 18 starting at 6:30 pm.  People with knowledge specific to Delaware will discuss the situation here AND some opportunities to influence legislative and structural changes.   This is for anyone who cares about justice, equity, and racism. Please come and find out how you can make a difference!

For more information, click on the flyer.