Adult Faith Exploration will offer a one session class on Religious Humanism on Tuesday, July 12 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on Zoom.  Anyone interested in the topic is welcome to attend.

Charles Bittner, MDiv, MA, a UUSD member, will present ideas from the book Becoming More Fully Human, Religious Humanism as a Way of Life by William R. Murry, a Unitarian Universalist Minister and former President and Academic Dean of Meadville-Lombard Theological Seminary.  The presentation will review Murry’s thoughts on Religious Naturalism, Science in Religious Humanism, Humanist Virtues, Becoming Fit to Live With, and Matters of Life and Death.

Further guidance on other UU sources of humanist wisdom and ways to connect with other religious humanists will be presented.  The presentation will encourage discussion on the ideas.  UUSD members and others are invited to join by obtaining further information and the Zoom link from