Children’s Faith Exploration (CFE)
Welcome and Introduction
UUSD offers regularly scheduled Children’s Faith Exploration classes for children ages 4 and up. We are fully committed to providing a fun and educational experience for our children, while keeping them connected to our 8 Principles. On Sundays without CFE, children are welcome to join their family in the sanctuary for Sunday service. There are soft carpets and baskets of quiet activities at the front of the sanctuary for families with children.
The children and youth of our congregation are literally the future of our community. There are many questions in life that come at all stages, especially childhood. We seek to nurture their spiritual and emotional growth with compassion and understanding, knowing that how these important questions are answered can shape who they become. Children’s Faith Exploration offers an opportunity for children and youth to grow spiritually and explore how they can be their best selves. We welcome all children and youth to participate in an exciting time of learning and growing within our loving UUSD community.
Upcoming Programs
Join us for an enriching journey of discovery and community in Children’s Faith Exploration (CFE)! Please be sure to REGISTER and to also complete the MEDIA RELEASE FORM.
JANUARY 2025: “The Stories and You”
Join us for an inspiring month celebrating the power of personal stories and self-discovery!
January 5:
Activity: Reading “Be Who You Are,” by Todd Par
Explore what makes you wonderfully unique! After reading, children will create their own stories, placing themselves as the main character in their own adventures.
January 12:
Activity: Watch Jacqueline Woodson read, “The Day You Begin”
Together, we’ll watch Jacqueline Woodson’s heartfelt reading of her book, which reminds us that even when we feel different, we can find strength in being “our own brave self.” Kids will reflect on their own stories of courage.
January 19:
CFE Lite: Enjoy the warmth of UUSD as you sit with your children in the foyer and experience the service via livestream. We provide games, books, crayons, puzzles and more! If you choose to spend the day outside of our walls, we will look forward to seeing you next week.
January 26:
Activity: Reading “We Dream a World,” by Yolanda Renee King
Dive into Yolanda Renee King’s inspiring message of hope and legacy from her grandparents, Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King.
Bonus Fun! Learn the UU song, “Building a New Way,” with live piano accompaniment! Plus, UUSD member, Greer, will introduce a percussion circle for the kids—an exciting hands-on musical experience!
Children’s Faith Exploration Director
Heather A. Hamilton, EdD, joined our staff in January 2024. She is an accomplished professional with a rich and diverse background in various industries, including education, music, and consulting. Her commitment to diversity and inclusion, coupled with her extensive skill set and dynamic leadership, have earned her a distinguished reputation. Continued
Past Programs
We’ve had so much fun learning together! See photos of the activities our children have participated in, including our most recent children’s programs:
2023-2024 Programs
June Sessions: Celebrating UU Traditions at UUSD:
June 2: Flower Ceremony Sunday: Begin the day in CFE and then join the main service for the Flower Ceremony, symbolizing the beauty of diversity in our community.
June 9: Gather in the CFE room for a special activity before heading to the Sanctuary to sing “Give Us Hope” by James Papoulis during Music Sunday. Stick around for the Annual Meeting afterward.
June 16: Share your experiences and reflections from the past year at UUSD. Let’s celebrate our journey together!
May Sessions: Uncover the beauty of diversity with our theme: “The Gift of Pluralism!”
- Explore how our various perspectives enrich our understanding of the world.
- Dive into the idea that we are all connected through our diverse roots.
- Bring Your Voices! Join us in learning “Give Us Hope” by James Papoulis, a song we’ll sing on June 9th!
May 5: Experience the captivating tale of “Duck! Rabbit!” by Amy Krouse Rosenthal. How can two people see something completely different while looking at the same thing?
May 12: Embark on a creative adventure as we explore and craft the Tree of Unitarian Universalism, inspired by a tale adapted from Nina Penfold, with values language by Zan Spaihts-Mohns and images by Debbie Atkins.
May 19: Engage in a day filled with exciting activities, singing, playing, and art inspired by “The Crayon Box That Talked” by Shane DeRolf.
April: The theme for April is Interdependence. The CFE classes focused on science and how things work together from DNA, RNA, H2O, and more! We are so fortunate to have a member who loves teaching, children, and science! Dr. Jeri Berc holds a PhD. in soil science from the University of California at Berkley, and she wrote a book, The Adventures of Moli and Cule. We, as UUs, are always discovering how things work, how we can be part of our world, and help the environment. The adventures depicted within the book revolve around biological, chemical, and physical phenomena. The intention behind the book is twofold: not only to facilitate comprehension of scientific concepts but also to cultivate caring about the subjects discussed. While it is not targeted at any particular age group, it holds appeal for imaginative and inquisitive children and youth across various age ranges. Every child received their own copy!
March 31: Color the bunny…..and a fun “Old fashioned” game! Easter Egg Hunt following the service! All ages! See all the photos from the Easter Egg Hunt on the Projects page.
March 24: We will read the book, The Magical Yet by Angela DiTerlizzi. For our art project on this day we will transform our beans and seeds of all shapes, sizes and colors into a beautiful mosaic butterfly! Member/Artist Cheri Garnet will be assisting us in our creations this morning!
March 10: Guest presenter and UUSD Member, Maureen Larkin will meet with us and explore change. Butterflies change quite a bit during their lifetime. Maureen is a Certified Environmental Educator and we are so happy she will be joining us. The book we will read is, Monarch Butterfly by Gail Gibbons.
March 3: The theme for the month is, Transformation. We will begin the month reading, Answer Mountain by Sarah E. Skwire. Do we answer yes, no, or under construction? How do we grow as people and make decisions?
February 25: We will explore Justice and Equity by reading A Church For All, by Gayle E. Pitman. Our theme this month, from the Soul Matters Curriculum, is The Gifts of Justice and Equity, and we will explore how, when we practice justice and equity, there is joy and diversity. The church in this story is open, affirming, and accepting. They believe in love instead of hate. There’s room for everyone! This book celebrates a spiritual community that embraces all people―no matter their age, race, class, gender identity, or sexual orientation―in love and faith. Just like ours.
Sarah Schaber, a certified Yoga instructor, and member of a new family at UUSD, will be working with the children this Sunday in learning about Yoga, while Prof. Heather will lead them in a guided meditation.
February 11: The CFE children read the book, Each Kindness by Jacqueline Wilson. They also went over the UUSD survey and talked about how the children can be more engaged at the UUSD.
February 4: We read the book, Imbolic by Alexandre Ravenhart. The Gaelic tradition of celebrating the halfway point between winter and sping is called Imbolic. We will learn about Brigid’s Feast!
January 21: We celebrated our 25th Anniversary! The children read parts of the book, Unitarian Universalism Is a Really Long Name by Jennifer Dunt. The children created artwork and shared these after the service!
January 14: We read the book, We March, by Shane Evans. The march began at the Washington Monument and ended with a rally at the Lincoln Memorial, where Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his historic “I Have a Dream” speech, advocating racial harmony.
Sunday, January 7: We met our new CFE Director, Heather Hamilton. The children readi the book, Everybody’s Welcome by Pat Hegarty. Dar Sellers and Heather helped the children create their shields representing who they are so that we all learn about each other.
December 17: The UUSD Choir and children performing a holiday musical, A Tiny Miracle, in the sanctuary.
December 10: We sang “A Song of Hanukkah” for the congregation at the beginning of the worship service. Back in class, Joanne Salzberg shared a Hanukkah story, and we played the dreidel game and enjoyed Hanukkah snacks.
December 3: We read the book The Circles All Around Us by Brad Montague. It is the story of a circle. When we’re first born, our circle is very small, but as we grow and build relationships, our circle gets bigger and bigger to include family, friends, neighbors, community, and beyond. In the circles all around us, everywhere that we all go, there’s a difference we can make and a love we can all show.
November 26: There was no CFE this Sunday. Children were welcome to attend our regular service. There are carpets set up on the right side at the front of the sanctuary. Kids can sit there and use the activities in the baskets that are provided. Parents may sit in the front row to attend to their children while they enjoy the service.
2022-2023 Programs
June 11: Tony Codella taught orienteering. Each child got a compass to sue to find specific places on a hand-drawn map of our back yard.
June 4: Multi-generational service. Seating up front for families.
May 14: Alice Casey taught about talking sticks and how indigenous communities across the world have used them. Each child made a talking stick to share with their family. They practiced the puppet show and put the finishing touches on the set. Kids will present the show outside for the congregation during social hour.
Playground and Blessing: Thank you to the volunteers who took delivery and worked on assembly! After the service on May 14, Reverend Heather will lead a playground blessing. The children are getting ready and have made a list of safety rules that will become part of a welcome sign. They are very excited!
April 30: Rosemary Weiland presented Scene 2 of the play she wrote based on the life of Rachael Carson. Scene 2 is called The Super Poopers. Did you know that whale poop feeds the phytoplankton which helps to remove carbon from our atmosphere?
April 29 (Saturday): Family Covenant Group. Our last meeting until September.
April 23: There was a Multi-Faith Youth Park Cleanup sponsored by Seaside Jewish Community on Sunday, April 23 from 1:30-3:30 p.m.. Event is open to all kids ages 10 – 18. Where? Cape Henlopen Main Pavilion. Pizza, dessert and games!
April 9: Egg Hunt on UUSD grounds! Thank you to the Connections Covenant Group for providing eggs and goodies for UUSD kids as well as West Rehoboth kids! Rosemary Weiland introduced a puppet show she writes , Fountain of Hope, based on the work of Rachel Carson. We learned about the important role bees play in pollination.
April 2: Children are invited to attend a multigenerational service in our sanctuary. Some of them will share a Jewish folktale about a fish peddler, Motke Rabinowitz, who puts too much stock in what others say. Seats will be reserved for families up front.
March 25: Family Covenant Group: The UUSD Family Covenant Group met on Saturday, March 25, 5-7 p.m. in the Gathering Area at UUSD. After enjoying a meal together, Rev. Heather facilitated the adult portion and the children participated in activities provided by volunteers. This program is open to all families with school age children at home.
March 12: Bunny Guerrin read Henry Hikes to Fitchburg, by D.B Johnson. This wonderful book is based on Henry David Thoreau’s Walden.
March 5: The Explorers met and read The Whale and the Teeny-Tiny Fish, taken from a book of children’s stories written by Rev. Jamie Hinson-Rieger, minister at UU Church of Indianapolis. The story illustrates that each and every person is important. There was also a make and take activity.
February 12: Our lesson concentrated on caring for others, and kids made Valentine’s Day cards for the residents of Harbor Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center in Lewes.
January 22: Rev. Cathy shared the book, Is That For a Boy or a Girl by S. Bear Bergman. The book introduces some awesome kids who have gotten pretty tired of being told some things are for girls and others are for boys. See how they find out what suits them best!
January 8: Class member Ava Haase read from a book about Martin Luther King, Jr.
December 24: Christmas Eve Service
December 18 (Explorers): Be the Blessing: Based on the children’s book Oskar and the 8 Blessings, we will begin our Hanukkah celebration.
December 11 (Explorers): We will use the book Sing and Sign to learn to sign a holiday song!
December 4 (Explorers): We learned about Kwanzaa and Hanukkah.
December 3: The Family Covenant Group potluck dinner (6:00 p.m.). Crafts were provided for the children.
November 20 (Explorers): We read and discussed the book Unplugged: Ella Gets Her Family Back by Laura Peterson. Paper robots were also be in play!
November 6 (CFE Explorers): We learned why UUs light a chalice. We discussed the 3rd Principle: In our congregations, all people are accepted and we learn together. The children each made a chalice that holds a battery tea light to take home.
October 28 (Friday): UUSD has been working to build community with West Side Community Center. They have invited us to participate in their Trunk or Treat on Oct. 28 at 6:00 p.m.
October 16: (CFE Explorers): Deb Davies helped the children recognize their fall QI and how it makes us feel. She introduced the children to tai chi movements. They made paper bag pumpkins and items to sell at the UUSD craft fair, including lanyards, necklaces, and miniature chalices.
October 15 (Saturday): The Family Covenant Group potluck dinner (6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.). Crafts were provided for the children.
October 2: A multi-generational service in our sanctuary, lifting up the lessons of the hit Disney animated film, Encanto.
September 25: Thank you to George Porter (previous owner of the UUSD property) for sharing stories last Sunday. He included tales about hundreds of frogs migrating to Mill Pond when our pond dried up. And how every 7 years or so the pond dries up, but it will come back. History included Mr. Porter’s daughter staying home from school to help build the deck. We found sassafras and learned how to make tea. All were fascinated with the prehistoric plants along the pond’s edge. The 14 kids who attended had a wonderful time exploring the property.
September 18: Thank you to Darlene Sellers and Cindy Arno for this session with the Youth Group. We practiced using “I messages” when dealing with conflict. We also built rafts with popsicle sticks to see which team’s creation could hold the most pennies before sinking!
September 11: Thank you to Betty Kirk for last week’s program on yoga and mindfulness. 13 children attended. Kids enjoyed the blessing of the backpacks. Cheri Garnet provided a glass heart for each child’s backpack. We covered topics of courage and how to take the right path in life (each child received a backpack compass); we made UUSD bead clips to remind us that we are not alone. We filled our backpacks with love.
August 21: 13 children participated in our first session of the church year. They learned about a boy who built the first little library for his school so kids could read books all summer. Our UUSD kids want to build one near our new playground. They want it to be “low” so children can reach it. And if someone doesn’t want to play on the equipment, they can read a book. One child suggested we have books in Braille for blind children and to include audio books for children who have trouble reading. These kids are fabulous! We also made book marks and stickers in our craft project.
2021-2022 Program Year
June 19: The children met at their usual 10:00 a.m. time for children’s faith exploration and then had a fun obstacle course set up by Alicia and Kathy. As a part of the Gratitude Picnic, the children had a plant sale as a fundraiser for their playground. They sold young plants that they had grown from seed as well as plants donated by adult gardeners in the congregation. They were so excited to have raised a total of $850!
June 12: Rev. Heather led an outdoor chapel service with our children. Kids designed and made their own prayer flags and also visited the sanctuary to hear some of the music presented by the UUSD choir for Music Sunday.
May 22: A special Harry Potter presentation by Mac Goekler entitled Defense Against the Dark Arts was offered! We learned how to deal with unkind remarks and bullies…without fighting back. We’ll be ready when these ugly events occur in our lives. A wizard attended and made anti-bullying wands!
May 8: We’re growing! 16 children attended our May 8 program. We made cards for our mothers and people who nurture us. We planted seeds. Plants will be sold as a fundraiser for our playground at the June19 picnic.
April 24: Middle and high school youth group met! Donna Preston facilitated as we explored emotions. Great discussion about recognizing our own emotions and those of others.
April 17: This program focused on the 7th Principle as we examined spring changes in nature. We also made bunny baskets which to hold the eggs we collected in an exciting spring egg hunt after the Sunday service. Covenant groups filled eggs with delicious goodies!
April 3: Deb Davies presented a program on spring Qi. We witnessed examples of spring energy that is so strong it can force grass to come up between pieces of concrete! We planted seeds together.
March 20: One day, Kamala and Maya had an idea. A big idea: They would turn their empty apartment courtyard into a playground! Using the children’s book Kamala and Maya’s Big Idea by Meena Harris (inspired by a true story from the childhood of Vice President Kamala Harris), UUSD children will learn how kids can make a d difference, and how it’s possible for a community to come together to transform a neighborhood.
March 6: We explored who makes up a family using the book, Who’s in a Family. Reverend Cathy explained that prayer beads are used by many different people, including Buddhists, Muslims, and Catholics, in their religious practice. We learned that beads are a spiritual tool and can be used in meditation, and that holding the beads can help some people stay calm/centered. UUSD children strung beads that represented family, then blessed each other’s beads.