Transforming Hearts Course: Trans Inclusion in Congregations

Transforming Hearts: 6-session Course Saturdays: Jan 25, Feb 1, Mar 1, Mar 8, Mar 15, and Mar 29 from 10-11:30am at UUSD Join Rev. Cathy Rion Starr (they/them) and Eli Scearce (she/they) in viewing together and energetically discussing the 6-session Transforming Hearts course: Transgender Inclusion in Congregations. This course, created by Rev. Mykal Slack and [...]


Community Building Volunteer Opportunity: Feeding the 5000 Multiplied, Saturday, March 9

Community Building Volunteer Opportunity UUSD members are invited to join the locally organized community-wide Sussex County “Feeding the 5000 Multiplied" food-packing event on Saturday, March 9th at Sussex Central High School in Georgetown. This event is being organized by Grace United Methodist Church of Millsboro. You can join either of two sessions (morning or afternoon) [...]


January Recipient of Share the Plate

Our Share the Plate offering in January is for Rise Against Hunger. Their second annual locally sponsored event, “Feeding the 5000 Multiplied,” is hoping to package and ship 120,000 meals for communities experiencing serious levels of food insecurity. Rise Against Hunger serves last-mile communities in remote locations. Meals are provided through educational institutions to help [...]


Jan. 26 Movie: “3 Degrees of Connection” and Dinner

UUSD will host a Free Soup & Bread Dinner followed by a movie on Friday, January 26. The movie "3 Degrees of Connection" examines the heritage of Lewes, Delaware, from the perspectives of people with different histories with the area, of different races and ages, and with varied research agendas. Come for both the meal [...]

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