Word cloud about Adult Faith Exploration

Coping with Loss and New Opportunities in Retirement will take place on two Saturdays, April 15 and 29 from 10:30 a.m. – noon at UUSD. The class will be facilitated by Mary Quigley, LCSW.

The purpose of this class is to identify what we give up in retirement – like loss of work, identity, friends, homes, and communities and to discuss what this means for UUSD class members. Mary will draw on her own experiences, as well as her 40 years of being a psychotherapist, to discuss the psychological reasons why this is harder for some than others. Retirement also means a chance to explore new identities and activities. Eric Erickson calls it the stage of generativity versus stagnation. It is a perfect time in life for reflection, meditation, community involvement, and giving to others. How can we help each other do that? What will be the role of UUSD in these changes in support of our UU principles involving spiritual growth and the search for truth and meaning?

The class will be limited to 15 people. Please register at AdultFaithExp@uussd.org by noon, Thursday, April 14.